What Are You Looking For?

Introducing Any Character

Ok, so I've noticed a lot of people needed help with this, so here's a basic list of things you need when introducing a character to your story.


Make sure you know the character you're introducing to your story. Their quirks, habits, behaviors, they all go into bringing this character to life in your story. What kind of atmosphere do they provide to the story? 


What is the point of the character? Making this obvious to your readers provides them the opportunity to get to know this character as well as you should. Your readers need to get to know your characters, but not all at once. Make the point of the character clear, and let your readers discover the rest along the way, just like when you begin a story. 


So, this is probably where people struggle the most when introducing a character or beginning a story. You shouldn't reveal EVERYTHING all at once. As stated prior, you need to let it happen slowly, so your readers are excited at every new thing they learn about your amazing character that you've worked so hard on. Keeping your character(s) own story(ies) away from the reader for a little bit will intrigue them, and they'll be on their toes just waiting for the reveal of it. 


One thing you should ask yourself is the simple question of; Where should this character be introduced? If you've planned out your story, you should really consider the best place to introduce this character. We writers have an interesting job of setting the perfect scene, so really examine your storyline and keep an eye on it. 


Don't forget that characters can NOT like this new character. Chaos and drama are things readers crave, and it makes for possible comedy as well. Of course, other characters could also take an immediate liking to this new character, so have some fun with it all!

These are just some basic tips and tricks to get you started. I have complete and utter faith in you and I know you'll do wonderfully :3
Only you can write the way you do, so keep at it!

~Rey Brooks

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