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How To Write The Mentor In Your Story

This is where we will be talking about that Gandalf/Dumbledore/Obi-won type of character in your story. These characters have all died at least once now that I look at that list… Ok, so apparently the trend here is also to kill this character off, even though you really don’t have to. 

I suppose we’ll start this off with a definition:


an experienced and trusted adviser.

OK, you see that right there? THIS IS A CHARACTER WHO PROBABLY KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT OR HAVE A GENERAL IDEA. This character has a story to tell, maybe some war stories, inner battles, or anything they’ve gone through that’s of some use. 

Keep in mind, however, that this character probably shouldn’t be too involved. You see what I’m saying? This is why those other characters were pretty much all killed off (though I think Gandalf was well done in this aspect, so do observe and admire). This character has already had their story (or not, in a sense, similar to Gandalf,), and needs to let the next set of heroes/villains/grey characters take over (retirement man, unless your Gandalf, then people keep screwing up and need you).
Generally, This type of character is in the beginning, to show the character the starting path and usually leaves/dies/whatevers and the character they showed the way begins their own story, and so on.
These characters, if they stick around in your story, also ARE A CHARACTER AND NEED FLAWS ASWELL AS EVERY OTHER CHARACTER. This is a character as well, as prior mentioned, so make an entire character who knows what on earth they’re talking about but aren’t Jesus (unless your character is Jesus?). This also means that this character has helpful traits, endearing traits, bad/good habits, a personality, a sense of humor, etc. so MAKE THIS CHARACTER LIVE!!! 

Another thing to take note of with these types of characters is in the same sense of the word CHARACTERS (That plural). What I mean by this is a simple fact that there doesn’t have to be just one. There can be mentors all along a character’s story, and they can talk to all of them and learn from all of them.

I hope this was of some help :3
~Rey Brooks
(NOTE: Generally, you can learn SOMETHING from ANY type of character)
(NOTE: This character can’t take over completely either…)
(NOTE: I also don’t own any characters mentioned)

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