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Four Rules of Cliffhangers

Cliffhangers are known to make readers go crazy (and slightly pissed off)! This is probably one of the most effective ways of keeping your readers interested and around! Since this is such an important part of story writing I decided to blog about it!


RULE ONE: Leave A LOT of Unanswered Questions.

Despite what a lot of people think, you really don't have to tell the reader everything. This leaves more for you to write about later, or you can leave it all to their imagination, either way, readers both adore and despise it.

RULE TWO: Have One BIG Question Unanswered.

This is the one your reader will mostly be focusing on, but the others are important too. Keep in mind that this 'big question' should have something to do with either the plot or the characters, and in some cases both.

RULE THREE: Don't Make It Obvious

This means you might have to do some rethinking. If you thought of it, trust me when I say, 'THEY PROBABLY DID TOO', got it? It should be something completely unexpected, hence 'plot twist', so completely change the story with one!

RULE FOUR: Don't Hold The Answers For Too Long!

Your readers can get excruciatingly bored if all you do is dangle the dollar in front of their faces your entire story! It isn't much fun if you do it at EVERY corner. This means to keep in mind, there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed with your readers. RESPECT THAT.

Having some emotional readers can really help along your way, and they can tell you what they expect and you can choose how to surprise them. If they think of it, remember, they're your reader, so do the opposite.

~Rey Brooks

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