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How To Write a Shy Character

It should be noted before we begin that everyone is shy in some form or fashion. This means that while you are coming up with any character, you should ask yourself what embarrasses them and what makes them uncomfortable. So what cute little quirk does your character possess that they’re shy about? Is it something about how they look? Something they can do? Are they terrible/amazing at something completely random and yet helpful?
Important questions people.Start answering.
So this subject is actually pretty easy once you understand it. These kinds of characters are typically the more reserved, quiet types of people who just generally either observe or do their own thing. They can like music, they can not. They could have friends or not, and they could want them or not. This is an important aspect when deciding on your character’s personality and traits.

So let me point out important facts to be put into consideration against the stereotype:

~Some want friends or don’t
~Some like people and some don’t
~Some are exceedingly kind, others aren’t
~Some are just too nice and some aren’t
~Some have friends and some don’t
~Some stutter and some don’t (some only do it in certain situations)
~Some get embarrassed easily and some don’t
~They can all like different kinds of things, don’t cliche your character
~They can all like any kind of music or all music genres.
~They have opinions and some will and some won’t speak out about them
~They have people they hate and people they like
~They can be just like any other character and just get’s shy
~They can be a completely normal character but get’s shy when put in a situation that embarrasses them
(I know a lot of shy people I adore, and these are some things I wanted to make clear)

Someone’s shyness is mostly the fear of a negative response to something about them. This means that your character could possibly hold a lot of anxiety, so keep that in mind. These types of characters will usually not admit when something is bothering them medical/emotional/mentally so that’s a scene prompt for you.
There isn’t anything wrong with shyness, but your character breaking out of their shell can be a character development. Talking more, going places more, and other things along those lines are included with character development. 
Just remember, though some people do go fully extroverted when they burst open their shell, not everyone does. Introversion isn’t really a bad character trait, and it doesn’t need to be a character development for a character, so keep that in mind as well.
Some of these types of characters I’ve noticed in movies, books, people I know, actually have a struggle liking themselves, and that’s partial to the reason they have shyness. So your character learning to love themselves would be considered good character development.
I hope some of this was useful, if not, I hope this google definition helps:
being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people

~Rey Brooks
(NOTE: These types of people also tend to either do well with just one person or more than one person to carry conversation)
(NOTE NOTE: It's also really cute when these types of characters open up to certain people)

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