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How To Write Show Don't Tell

Ok, so the 'Show Don't Tell' thing is pretty much showing the effects that the emotion your character is feeling with what they're experiencing through that emotion, rather than just saying.

 For example:

 She was heartbroken. 

So instead of saying that, you would go along the lines of what people feel during heartbreak. This is also pressing to know your characters and how they would respond to situations. By knowing your character, it will make writing their responses to situations easier on you.

So, the instead example:

After hearing the news, Amanda's hands began to tremble. A numbing feeling passed over her arms and legs, making her feel weak as she sank to the ground. holding back her sobs, she clutched the spot over her heart that felt empty.

How could this happen to her?

(I hope I did that right XD)

Do you see how that lengthened and made you experience it more? When you show your readers the emotion rather than tell, your readers get more immersed in the story and are able to enjoy it even more. 

This tip is especially useful in romance, suspense, and horror genres, as those types of stories tend to be based on emotion. I feel like when you show the emotion in the story, your readers will experience it just as much as the characters you're writing. 

Just some things to keep in mind loves~,

~Rey Brooks

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